Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Help! I’m In The Middle Of My Midlife Crisis

September 17, 2015


No, seriously. I truly mean that. I was initially typing up a blog entry that was going to blast social networking such as this and call it an empty excuse for virtual reality.

Then it got much more darker and I was complaining about how everyone online is trying to be more clever (yikes – bad english?) than the next person. It started going on and on about a “what if” scenario occurring that caused worldwide connectivity to collapse. Thousands of people wouldn’t know what to do with themselves or how to behave.

Then I stopped and said to myself, “What’s my point?” I started questioning my own negativity and refusal to acknowledge that wordpress or facebook or twitter does help people interract with other like-minded individuals.

It’s not a vast wasteland like Newton Minow attributed to television over fifty years ago. Well, sometimes it could be but, hey, I need to steer away from being negative.

I was starting to sound bitter and miserable while complaining that bloggers are only out to try and prove how unique they think they are or are only using these sites to sell books and/or artwork.

I stopped again.

Maybe it’s not you (collectively) who is bitter and miserable. Maybe it’s me.

I’m the miserable and negative person in this picture. It was me trying to project my drawbacks and failings onto you. What’s that old expression? Misery loves company? Ding.

I have my reasons for being miserable. If you only knew.

So how do I turn this around and focus, I mean really focus, on being positive? No one said that it was going to be easy. It gets increasingly more difficult as we get older.

Each of us is responsible for our own happiness. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Our freaking forefathers wrote that.

How do I find my own happiness in middle age? That’s the sixty-four-thousand dollar question.

I’m not looking to blame my parents for this but I think being negative is a learned behavior from my upbringing. More likely it’s genetic. My mother was a negative person and she suffered from depression for the last twenty-two years of her life. Actually maybe more than that.

I do have alot of negativity going on in my life. I don’t wish to post my troubles here. See “About This Blogger” if you want to make contact with me.

Thanks. I could surely use an e-friend right now.

Bird Flu: All That It’s Cracked Up To Be And More

August 9, 2015


Chickens are dying in droves. Egg prices have gone up. The poultry industry is scrambling for answers. And the American public is being told that you cannot get bird flu from eating or preparing poultry or eggs.

Because the bird flu is hitting egg-laying chickens worse than chickens raised for consumption, the price of poultry has dropped since other countries, most notably South Korea and China, have implemented a ban on all poultry products from the United States.

Bird flu. Mad cow’s disease. It’s never too late to become a vegetarian.